Wine Basics

  1. How to read a Champagne label

    Although you might not seem so at first glance, you can glean a fair amount of i…

  2. Storing Wine – Some Good News!

    As much we would kill for a cavernous stone cellar in which to store our wines, …

  3. Basic Pairing Tips (Part 3)

    Now we are onto the more detailed, third stage of the pairing guide. Here, we ar…

  4. White wine with meat

    As a follow-up to our post about fish and red wine (controversial....? Not reall…

  5. To decant, or not to decant…

    The decanter. A topic of some serious discussion and controversy in wine circles…

  6. At what temperature should I serve my wine..?

    As our long, balmy summer continues, many people ask about which red wines might…

  7. France: the Appellation Nation

    French wine labels – and the appellation system in particular - can be a bit of …

  8. Fish and Red Wine…Really?

    Yes, absolutely. Well, sort of.The old adage that white wine must accompany …

  9. Basic Pairing Tips (Part 2)

    A second approach to matching food and wine is thinking about whether to contras…

  10. Basic Pairing Tips (Part 1)

    Pairing is a tricky topic and it's important to remember there aren't hard and f…

Recent post

  1. Food Pairing

    Wine Pairing: Mencia x Japanese pork bel…
  2. Food Pairing

    Wine Pairing: White Bordeaux Blend x Fis…
  3. Food Pairing

    Wine Pairing: Vermentino di Sardegna x G…
  4. Food Pairing

    Wine Pairing: Barolo x Pheasant/Mushroom…
  5. Food Pairing

    Wine Pairing: Grenache x Yakitori